Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Why come to China?

Forgive me...my third post and I haven't explained myself to the occasional non-friend who may stumble upon this blog. Well, I'm an English English teacher who's lived and worked in Hungary, Japan, Thailand, England, and now in Dalian, North-East China. Why did I come to China? Eyes right please. Yes, like many a western man these days my significant other is from the east. We met in Tokyo and lived together in Thailand and England before coming to her home town of Dalian. Life seems good here and we will probably bring up our daughter here. A decade of Dalian beckons, more than likely.

In about 3 weeks my wife is due to deliver unto us a baby girl.

But this blog is not the place for baby photos! Only adult content here.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Did someone mention "Adult Content"? Like, where's the porn?